I am prototyping an interface to our application to allow other people to use python, our application is written in java. I would like to pass some of our data from the java app to the python code but I am unsure how to pass an object to python. I have done a simple java->python function call using simple parameters using Jython and found it very useful for what I am trying to do. Given the class below, how can I then use it in Python/Jython as an input to a function/class:
public class TestObject
private double[] values;
private int length;
private int anotherVariable;
//getters, setters
One solution. You could use some sort of message system, queue, or broker of some sort to serialize/deserialize, or pass messages between python and java. Then create some sort workers/producer/consumers to put work on the queues to be processed in python, or java.
py4j is used heavily by/for pyspark and hadoop type stuff.
To answer your question more immediately.
Example using json-simple.:
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
//import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
public class TestObject
private double[] values;
private int length;
private int anotherVariable;
private boolean someBool;
private String someString;
//getters, setters
public String toJSON() {
JSONObject obj=new JSONObject();
obj.put("values",new Double(this.values));
obj.put("length",new Integer(this.length));
obj.put("bool_val",new Boolean(this.SomeBool));
StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
return out.toString();
public void writeObject(){
Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(
new OutputStreamWriter(
new FileOutputStream("anObject.json"), "utf-8")
public static void setObject(){
values = 100.134;
length = 12;
anotherVariable = 15;
someString = "spam";
And in python:
class DoStuffWithObject(object):
def __init__(self,obj):
self.obj = obj
def changeObj(self):
self.obj['values'] = 100.134;
self.obj['length'] = 12;
self.obj['anotherVariable'] = 15;
self.obj['someString'] = "spam";
def writeObj(self):
''' write back to file '''
with open('anObject.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(self.obj, f)
def someOtherMethod(self, s):
''' do something else '''
print('hello {}'.format(s))
import json
with open('anObject.json','r') as f:
obj = json.loads(f.read())
# print out obj['values'] obj['someBool'] ...
for key in obj:
print(key, obj[key])
aThing = DoStuffWithObject(obj)
And then in java read back the object. There are solutions that exist implementing this idea (JSON-RPC, XML-RPC, and variants). Depending, you may may also want to consider using something like ( http://docs.mongodb.org/ecosystem/drivers/java/ ) the benefit being that mongo does json.
A more comprehensive list of queues:
Resources referenced: