I'm using XmlPullParser to parse the weather information from the API. My application shows the weather information once the user entered his city (input). If I enter enter "London" in the text box, my app goes to this and fetches the temperature, humidity etc. from the xml (at this point everything works as expected). But when I enter "Londonsd" my app hangs up.
Message I'm getting from the server when I enter incorrect city is "{"message":"Error: Not found city","cod":"404"}".
You are getting two types of data responses in case of success get xml and in case of failure getting json make them identical first. I will suggest use json by changing mode=json
After that you can put a check on cod
if there is 404 then city is invalid.
You can try response.contains("\"cod\":\"404\"");
or response.contains("Not found city");
for checking error. but not ideal solution.