
cannot paste clipboard contents into selected elements Eclipse

I'm trying to create a simple login form using servlets connected to database. But I got this error:

No JDBC driver found

I had added mysql-connector as external JAR file. After searching for solution on stackoverlow, it was suggested instead of adding it as external JAR file, copy paste it into WEB-INF/LIB folder. But whenever I try that, it gives me error:

Cannot paste clipboard contents into selected elements

How can I resolve this?

EDIT 1: Eclipse not allowing me to drag-drop either


  • To fix it in that case, extract the file(s) from the archive first(.rar,.tar,.zip), then c-and-paste the file into Eclipse. Works for me under Package Explorer, too.

    OR Go for


    just go through that Eclipse & JAR Hell

    May be that Help you out !!