
Change the Jazz ID for a Bluemix account

Some time ago I started to use the Bluemix platform to develop PHP services that were used by a mobile application. After a while, I realized that it would be very useful to have a repository to which I can connect multiple Eclipse IDEs and work on the same application. I already had a Jazz ID which was used for the work projects; I am talking about using Bluemix+Jazz for personal projects.

When I first connected the Bluemix ID with the Jazz ID, everything was well. But I realized that it might be a conflict of interest because I am using the same Jazz ID for both work and personal projects.

My question is: Is there a way to use a new Jazz ID in Bluemix? It seems that the connection between the two IDs cannot be changed from Bluemix, DevOps or


  • Costin, thanks for your interest in IBM Bluemix and the IBM Bluemix DevOps Services. Like Lauren has said, you'll probably want two IBM IDs, one for your work email address and one for your personal. They ultimately can be associated with two Bluemix orgs, each associated with a different DevOps user.

    You'll need to decide which Bluemix org you want each of your apps to live in; the corresponding user should own the app's Git repository. To move a Git repository, you can use either of these approaches:

    1. Use the repository's "Download the contents of this branch as a zip file" button to download the contents. Then as the other user, create a repository and import the zip file.
    2. Share the repository with the other user, fork as the new user to get a copy.

    Once you have the code in the other user's repository, redeploy to that user's Bluemix org.

    Once you have everything where you want it, delete the stuff (apps and repositories) that are not where you want them.