I am aiming to get a user's details based on his/her Twitter account. Now first of all, let me explain what I want to do.
In my case, user will be presented an option to Sign-up with Twitter account. So, based on user's Twitter account, I want to be able to get user details (e.g. email-id, name, profile picture, birth date, gender etc..) and save those details in database. Now, many people will probably suggest me to use ACAccount
and ACAccountStore
, a class that provides an interface for accessing, manipulating, and storing accounts. But in my case, I want to sign up user, even if user has not configured an account for Twitter in iOS Settings App. I want user to navigate to login screen of Twitter (in Safari or in App itself, or using any other alternative).
I have also referred the documentation of Twitter having API list here. But I am a lot confused how user should be presented a login screen to log into the Twitter account and how I will get profile information. Should I use UIWebView
, or redirect user to Safari or adopt another way for that ?
Twitter has provided a beautiful framework for that, you just have to integrate it in your app.
It has a simple Login Method:-
// Objective-C
TWTRLogInButton* logInButton = [TWTRLogInButton
^(TWTRSession* session, NSError* error) {
if (session) {
NSLog(@"signed in as %@", [session userName]);
} else {
NSLog(@"error: %@", [error localizedDescription]);
logInButton.center = self.view.center;
[self.view addSubview:logInButton];
This is the process to get user profile information:-
/* Get user info */
[[[Twitter sharedInstance] APIClient] loadUserWithID:[session userID]
completion:^(TWTRUser *user,
NSError *error)
// handle the response or error
if (![error isEqual:nil]) {
NSLog(@"Twitter info -> user = %@ ",user);
NSString *urlString = [[NSString alloc]initWithString:user.profileImageLargeURL];
NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc]initWithString:urlString];
NSData *pullTwitterPP = [[NSData alloc]initWithContentsOfURL:url];
UIImage *profImage = [UIImage imageWithData:pullTwitterPP];
} else {
NSLog(@"Twitter error getting profile : %@", [error localizedDescription]);
I think rest you can find from Twitter Kit Tutorial, it also allows to request a user’s email, by calling the TwitterAuthClient#requestEmail method, passing in a valid TwitterSession and Callback.