My product is a book. Each books will be sold in 3 formats.
1) Print 2) Online 3) Print + Online
All the three prices for each book will be different.
If i add the book as different product. I have to add all the content like Index, Author details etc. 3 times for each book.
Is there any way where i can allow admin to add 3 prices for each product and user can select any one of the price?
Thanks & Regards, Satya.
Kevin is right, but there is a problem relating to the purely hardcopy version.
You have to attach a "Feature" to the product, which is the digital asset, so that when they buy they get access to the download. I believe this is for the whole product.
So, if you're wrapping them all in one product you can only offer: Online or Online and Print. But really there is no reason to just get the print version since it doesn't cost you anything to throw in the online version.