
Continuous Speech Recognition Android - Without Gaps

I have an activity that implements RecognitionListener. To make it continuous, every time onEndOfSpeech() I start the listener again:


But, it takes some time (around half a second) till it starts, so there is this half a second gap, where nothing is listening. Therefore, I miss words that were spoken in that time difference.

On the other hand, when I use Google's Voice input, to dictate messages instead of the keyboard - this time gap does not exist. Meaning - there is a solution.

What is it?



  • try looking at a couple other api's....

    speech demo : has source here and is discussed here and operated on CLI here

    you could use the full duplex google api ( its rate capped at 50 per day )

    Or if you like that general idea check ibm's watson discussed here

    IMO - its more complex but not capped .