So I was looking for a way to remove a BeaconRegion from the monitored regions depending on how far it is from my current location. I though I could use the center property, though I think I'm missing something... Because the latitude/longitude values are like not valid...
po [region center]
(latitude = 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000033891907065820605, longitude = 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000059293723668713039)
How can I remove a BeaconRegion depending con currentLocation?
a CLBeaconRegion represents N bluetooth beacons with the same uuid. an ibeacon has no gps coordinate. it has an RSSI value (the signal strength) and a 'calculated' proximity property but no location.
same as a wifi router ;) there are services to associate beacons/wifi routers with a GPS location but it isn't standard. how should the beacon know? :)
On IOS, the CLBeaconRegion class only has a center property because it is a subclass of CLRegion
if YOU know the GPS locations of your regions use that data + your device's location