I am trying to make my tooltips
change position depending on the orientation of the .menu
container. For some reason they only change position when the second open
event is fired.
$(".menu button").tooltip({
position: {
my: "left center",
at: "right+10 center"
open: function () {
if ($(".menu").hasClass("vertical")) {
$(this).tooltip("option", "position", {
my: "left center",
at: "right+10 center"
} else {
$(this).tooltip("option", "position", {
my: "center bottom",
at: "center top-10"
Is there anyway to make the tooltips
change position when the first open
event is fired?
It is because when the open event is fired the display position is already calculated... so any changes you do after that will be reflected only in the next display.
The following solution is a hack, the right solution will be is to change the tooltip solution when the orientation is actually changed.
$(".menu button").tooltip({
position: {
my: "left center",
at: "right+10 center"
open: function () {
var $this = $(this),
pos = $this.data('position');
if ($(".menu").hasClass("vertical") && pos != 'vertical') {
setTimeout(function () {
$this.tooltip("option", "position", {
my: "left center",
at: "right+10 center"
}).data('position', 'vertical').tooltip('close').tooltip('open');
} else if (!$(".menu").hasClass("vertical") && pos != 'horizontal') {
setTimeout(function () {
$this.tooltip("option", "position", {
my: "center bottom",
at: "center top-10"
}).data('position', 'horizontal').tooltip('close').tooltip('open');
Demo: Fiddle