
How can I speed up Subversion checkins? (Using ANKH, latest, Visual Studio 2010)

I've started working on a new web project with some friends... we are using the latest Subversion server (installed last week), the latest version of ANKH.

My web project is a whapping 1.5 megabytes (that's with all images, css files, dll's after compiling, pdb files... etc).

Checking in even super small changes (literally adding the letter "x" to a few files for testing)... takes FOREVER! (about 10 seconds - I almost killed myself).

The ANKH client is measuring in BYTES PER SECOND ... BYTES? per second... I must be doing something wrong. Does anyone what config file has a joke totallyMessWithPeople=true so that I can turn that off or something?

Oh, also, changing one "big" file of a super 10k gains speed up to nearly the speed of light (which is apparently 857 bytes per second).

As a note... my real work project that uses Visual Source Safe 2005 (I know, ouch) uploads files at about 200-500kbps from this very same computer/internet connection.


  • Earlier I said that I exported the cert and imported it as a "trusted root cert" and then my speed problems went away. That was true, but that's not the reason why my speed problems went away.

    It turns out that I was just VPN'd into work, and so it was going slower. So, in my case, just disconnecting from my VPN increased my speed (obviously).

    I just wanted to make this post so that people aren't lead astray by my earlier one.