I'm am trying to write my first Rust program. I want to print a simple tree on the screen, but I cannot access a value
property, it says
Error 1 attempted access of field
on typeNode
, but no field with that name was found c:\users\zhukovskiy\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\rust_application1\rust_application1\src\main.rs 21 20 rust_application1
use std::io;
enum Node {
Branch { value: i32, next: *const Node },
Leaf { value: i32 }
fn main() {
let leaf = Node::Leaf { value: 15 };
let branch = Node::Branch { value: 10, next: &leaf };
let root = Node::Branch { value: 50, next: &branch };
let current = root;
loop {
match current {
Node::Branch => { println!("{}", current.value); current = current.next; },
Node::Leaf => { println!("{}", current.value); break; },
Just because both variants of Node
have a value
field, doesn't mean you can access it directly. You can get it by matching on the value (these are equivalent):
let value = match leaf {
Node::Branch { value, .. } => value,
Node::Leaf { value } => value,
let value = match leaf {
Node::Branch { value, .. } | Node::Leaf { value } => value,
But if you're going to do this a lot, you probably want to add a method:
impl Node {
pub fn get_value(&self) -> i32 {
match self {
&Node::Branch { value, .. } => value,
&Node::Leaf { value } => value,
...which you can then use like so:
let value = leaf.get_value();