
Proper way to consume data from RESTFUL API in django

I'm trying to learn django so while I have a current solution I'm not sure if it follows best practices in django. I would like to display information from a web api on my website. Let's say the api url is as follows:

Thsis would return a list of books by Edwards written in the year 2009. Returned in the following format:

                   'title':'Book 1',
                   'Author':'Edwards Man',
                   'title':'Book 2',
                   'Author':'Edwards Man',

Currently I am consuming the API in my views file as follows:

class BooksPage(generic.TemplateView):
    def get(self,request):
        r = requests.get('')
        books = r.json()
        books_list = {'books':books['results']}
        return render(request,'books.html',books_list)

Normally, we grab data from the database in the file, but I am unsure if I should be grabbing this API data in or If it should be in, can someone provide an example of how to do this? I wrote the above example sepecifically for stackoverflow, so any bugs are purely a result of writing it here.


  • I like the approach of putting that kind of logic in a separate service layer (; the data you are rendering is quite not a "model" in the Django ORM sense, and it's more than simple "view" logic. A clean encapsulation ensures you can do things like control the interface to the backing service (i.e., make it look like a Python API vs. URL with parameters), add enhancements such as caching, as @sobolevn mentioned, test the API in isolation, etc.

    So I'd suggest a simple, that looks something like this:

    def get_books(year, author):
        url = '' 
        params = {'year': year, 'author': author}
        r = requests.get(url, params=params)
        books = r.json()
        books_list = {'books':books['results']}
        return books_list

    Note how the parameters get passed (using a capability of the requests package).

    Then in

    import services
    class BooksPage(generic.TemplateView):
        def get(self,request):
            books_list = services.get_books('2009', 'edwards')
            return render(request,'books.html',books_list)

    See also: