
Rendering LaTeX on third-party websites?

There are some sites on the web that render LaTeX into some more readable form, such as Wikipedia, some Wordpress blogs, and MathOverflow. They may use images, MathML, jsMath, or something like that.

There are other sites on the web where LaTeX appears inline and is not rendered, such as the arXiv, various math forums, or my email. In fact, it is quite common to see an arXiv paper's abstract with raw LaTeX in it, e.g. this paper.

Is there a plugin available for Firefox, or would it be possible to write one, that renders LaTeX within pages that do not provide a rendering mechanism themselves? (The LaTeX would be enclosed within dollar signs, e.g. $\pi$. See the arXiv link above.)

Some notes:


  • There is now a solution for Gmail: GmailTeX written by Valery Alexeev.