I am trying to encrypt the push sender password in application-descriptor following Storing properties in encrypted format section of the tutorial.
However, when building the wlapp for iOS, I see following error message in Worklight Studio.
FWLST1040E: iphone build failed: com.worklight.common.util.WorklightCertificateException: Certificate error: Unable to process certificate: apns-certificate-production.p12
It appears that Worklight Studio trying to decrypt the p12 certificate using '${xxxx}' as the password during build process. If I put the password as clear text, build passes. Replacing push sender values for GCM with ${xxx} passes also since there is no iOS-like certificate to decrypt. Only iOS build has problem here.
As far as I understand, the encrypted/configurable fields should be decrypted/replaced at server side during run time, not during the build. Right now, I am not able to build a new wlapp for ios because of this issue.
I am not sure what have I done wrong here. Is there a setting to skip the p12 decryption during build process?
Worklight 6.2:
<pushSender password="${test}" />
in application-descriptor.xmlThis passes w/out any errors.
MobileFirst 6,3 7.0:
The same steps as above fail with:
[2015-05-20 10:30:01] FWLST1040E: iphone build failed: com.worklight.common.util.WorklightCertificateException: Certificate error: Unable to process certificate: apns-certificate-sandbox.p12
I have opened a bug for it.
Are you sure about the version you're using?