I'm looking for a plugin chain to use with Gulp that provides:
I currently have the first four, but I can't find a combination of existing plugins that will give me the last (URL rebasing) also. I've not found any URL rebasing plugins that emit sourcemaps.
Just to be clear, my issue is that when I compile multiple small CSS files from my project development folders, and output them into a common folder, the move resulting from concatenation breaks relative URLs, such as those for background images.
It sounds like the tool chain I currently use is already intended to solve this problem. So, that's ostensibly the answer. However, that raises another question, how the required syntax is supposed to work.
That question theoretically has lots of duplicates out there:
option on WindowsUnfortunately no answers actually explain the syntax, they just demonstrate voodoo; so I don't know why the following isn't working. If I can get it resolved I'll come back here and flag this accepted to indicate this tool chain does actually do what I need.
The source files:
styleInput1.less "url(../site/logo.png)"
styleInput2.less "url(../site/background.png)"
The gulp task:
gulp.task(filename, function () {
return gulp.src(files)
.pipe(minifyCss({ relativeTo: './compiled' }))
The output, with broken URLs. Note the multiple defects. Although the CSS is raised a directory level relative to the required assets, an additional parent directory has been added (!). Also, one of the URLs has had a hard asset folder name changed (!). Very strange:
styleOutput1.css "url(../../compiled/logo.png)"
styleOutput2.css "url(../../site/background.png)"
My apologies for continuing the voodoo, but here is my working gulp pipe:
.pipe(minifyCss({ relativeTo: './compiled', target: './compiled' }))
And the correct output:
styleOutput1.css "url(../assets/site/logo.png)"
styleOutput2.css "url(../assets/site/background.png)"
I personally use gulp-minify-css and specify the relativeTo
gulp.task('css', function() {
// Here I specify the relative path to my files
.pipe(minifyCSS({keepSpecialComments: 0, relativeTo: './assets/css/', processImport: true}))
browsers: ['last 2 versions'],
cascade: false
"title": "Should I Go?",
"subtitle": "Gulp Process",
"message": '<%= file.relative %> was successfully minified!',
"sound": "Pop",
"onLast": true
If that doesn't work for you, they have a lot of other parameters to rebase URLs : https://github.com/jakubpawlowicz/clean-css#how-to-use-clean-css-programmatically
- set to false to skip URL rebasing relativeTo
- path to resolve relative @import rules and URLsrestructuring
- set to false to disable restructuring in advanced
- path to resolve absolute @import rules and rebase relative