
Unable to select the components on a page

I want to perform a rollout only for the selected components in the page. I noticed that I am not able to select any of the components presented in the pages using the small checkbox in the component's edit bar.

I am not sure why this is happening. All of them are custom components and not OOTB ones.

Any solutions to this, please share them.


  • I just discovered that in EditBar.js, the listener associated with the checkbox was not functioning. The following loc can be found at /libs/cq/ui/widgets/source/widgets/wcm/EditBar.js if not overlayed.

    listeners: {
                check: function(cb, checked) {
                    if (checked) {
              , true);
                    } else {
                        CQ.WCM.deselect(editBar, true);

    It worked when the 'check' event was changed to 'selectionChanged' . Clearing the browser cache, reload the page to see the changes. Thanks!