In my usecase i have to chain two service calls. In particular:
1) The first call returns an xml listing several IDs
2) i have to iterate through the returned ID list and to make an ID parameterized service call for each id-item.
3) Finally i have to collect a whole response made up of each single ID-service-response.
Suppose the first service call returns a response like this one:
The second step is to perform a series of calling to parameterized endpoint like this:
each call of which returns an xml response like this:
I have to collect a whole response like this one:
How can i do? Could you give me some example? Thanks
You need to use iterate mediator and aggregate mediator in combination. Here is a sample code, but you may need to do some modification in order to make it work for your requirements.
<definitions xmlns="">
<proxy name="SampleProxy">
<iterate expression="//result/link/id" preservePayload="true"
<property name="uri.var.servicepath" expression="//link/id/text()"/>
<endpoint key="MyEndpoint"/>
<property name="FinalResponse" scope="default">
<finalResponse />
<onComplete expression="//response"
<endpoint xmlns="" name="MyEndpoint">
<http uri-template="http://myEndpoint/entry/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&rettype=abstract&retmode=xml&id={ID}" method="GET">
Full documentation on related sample here. Find how you can parameterize you url here.