
tr:validateDateTimeRange not working in Trinidad 1.0.13

I am using Trinidad 1.0.13 and below is the code I have used

<tr:inputDate id="defaultDateCS" maximumLength="10" simple="true"
    disabled= "#{pymtAddBackingBean.pymtAddModelBean.proActiveReageFlag}"
    value="#{pymtAddBackingBean.defaultDate}" styleClass="hi90t_center"
    shortDesc="Default Date Calendar Control">
    <tr:validateDateTimeRange id="custServiceAgentDateRestriction"

But when I start the application I get the below warning message when I render the page

/pages/test.jspx @520,67 id="custServiceAgentDateRestriction" Unhandled by MetaTagHandler for type org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.validator.DateTimeRangeValidator

Is this meaning Trinidad 1.0.13 will not support this tag? If so could you please suggest me some other alternative: My requirement is the trinidad date picker should show only one date as enabled (may be only current date) and if user enters a date manually then that should be validated for current date.


  • You should remove the id attribute as it's not supported by <tr:validateDateTimeRange>.

    Please check the documentation on <tr:validateDateTimeRange> for supported attributes.

    I also noticed that you use the same dates for minimum and maximum. That's probably not right.