The following codes parsing JSON don't work any more for me after I update Mantle to 2.0. They can work fine on an older Mantle version( I don't remember the correct version number. What I know is I downloaded it in Nov of 2013.)
date = "2015-05-21";
error = 0;
results = (
currentCity = "beijing";
index = (
des = "desc1";
tipt = "tipt1";
title = "title1";
zs = "zs1";
des = "desc2";
tipt = "tipt2";
title = "title2";
zs = "zs2";
des = "desc3";
tipt = "tipt3";
title = "title3";
zs = "zs3";
status = success;
// .h
#import "MTLModel.h"
#import "Mantle.h"
@interface BaiduWeatherResults : MTLModel<MTLJSONSerializing>
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *error;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *status;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *date;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *currentCity;
// .m
#import "BaiduWeatherResults.h"
@implementation BaiduWeatherResults
+ (NSDictionary *)JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey
return @{
@"error" : @"error",
@"status" : @"status",
@"date" : @"date",
@"currentCity" : @"results.currentCity",
+ (NSValueTransformer *) currentCityJSONTransformer
return [MTLValueTransformer reversibleTransformerWithForwardBlock:^(NSArray *values) {
return [values firstObject];
} reverseBlock:^(NSString *str) {
return @[str];
id results =[MTLJSONAdapter modelOfClass:[BaiduWeatherResults class]
NSLog(@"results:%@", results);
The codes can work on an older Mantle. On the Mantle 2.0, the parse failed once I added @"currentCity" : @"results.currentCity" into the dictionary returned by JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey . Anyone know what I missed for the parsing?
BTW, the currentCityJSONTransformer did call when the parse began. But the transformer is never used, because the line "return [values firstObject];" is never executed.
Thanks in advance.
Try this -
+ (NSDictionary *)JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey
return @{
@"error" : @"error",
@"status" : @"status",
@"date" : @"date",
@"currentCity" : @"results",
+ (NSValueTransformer *) currentCityJSONTransformer
return [MTLValueTransformer reversibleTransformerWithForwardBlock:^(NSArray *values) {
NSDictionary *cityInfo = [values firstObject];
return cityInfo[@"currentCity"];
} reverseBlock:^(NSString *str) {
return @[@{@"currentCity" : str}];
Since results is an array of dictionaries, you can't access currentCity
via dot syntax in JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey
. Instead the currentCityJSONTransformer
finds the first dictionary in the results array and returns its value for currentCity
. You might want to add type-checking and define the @"currentCity"
key in a single place.