i am using MKLocalSearch in MKMapView..I am implementing as follow
extension MYClass: SendLocationDelegate{
func sendCoOrdinates(loccoordinate:CLLocation, placemark:CLPlacemark){
println(" Google VC coordinate is as \(loccoordinate.coordinate.longitude) \(loccoordinate.coordinate.latitude)")
let location:CLLocationCoordinate2D = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude:loccoordinate.coordinate.latitude, longitude: loccoordinate.coordinate.longitude)
let theSpan : MKCoordinateSpan = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.01, longitudeDelta:0.01)
let theRegion : MKCoordinateRegion = MKCoordinateRegion(center: location, span: theSpan)
self.mapView.setRegion(theRegion, animated: false)
let request = MKLocalSearchRequest()
request.region = mapView.region
let search = MKLocalSearch(request: request)
search.startWithCompletionHandler({(response: MKLocalSearchResponse!,
error: NSError!) in
if error != nil {
println("Error occured in search: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else if response.mapItems.count == 0 {
println("No matches found")
} else {
println("Matches found")
Output: Google VC coordinate is as 72.8561644 19.0176147 Error occured in search: The operation couldn’t be completed. (MKErrorDomain error 1.) Why is this happening?
EDITED: however when i change request as
let request = MKLocalSearchRequest()
request.naturalLanguageQuery = "india"
//request.region = mapView.region
let search = MKLocalSearch(request: request)
I get the good response as
{ boundingRegion = ""; mapItems = ( " {\n isCurrentLocation = 0;\n name = India;\n placemark = \"India, India @ <+23.04117260,+78.89180550> +/- 0.00m, region CLCircularRegion (identifier:'<+21.84329084,+82.78786665> radius 2237301.34', center:<+21.84329084,+82.78786665>, radius:2237301.34m)\";\n}" ); }
Everything is working fine..Just you did a mistake on request that doesnot contains a naturalLanguageQuery as
let request = MKLocalSearchRequest()
request.region = mapView.region
let search = MKLocalSearch(request: request)
In this case request.naturalLanguageQuery
is set it to nil....so you got (MKErrorDomain error 1) of unknown type.Look on Apple docs herenaturalLanguageQuery
cannot contain nil value...So make a request with it
let request = MKLocalSearchRequest()
request.naturalLanguageQuery = "india"
let search = MKLocalSearch(request: request)
You can use region
parameter to narrow the list of search results to those inside or close to the specified region. Specifying a region does not guarantee that the results will all be inside the region. It is merely a hint to the search engine. So region
can act as an optional here. Or you can make request as for better results as
let request = MKLocalSearchRequest()
request.naturalLanguageQuery = "india"
request.region = mapView.region
let search = MKLocalSearch(request: request)