
Capture arguments of static method calls using Kiwi

This link shows how to capture an argument of a mock object using Kiwi.

Is there a way to capture arguments of static method calls? It seems to me that this only work with instance methods.


  • Considering that the same message dispatching mechanism is used for both instance and class methods, you can safely spy on class methods.

    @interface MyObject: NSObject
    + (void)doNoOpWithObject:(NSObject*)obj;
    @implementation MyObject
    + (void)doNoOpWithObject:(id)object {}
    it(@"captures static method arguments", ^{
        KWCaptureSpy *spy = [MyObject captureArgument:@selector(doNoOpWithObject:) atIndex:0];
        [MyObject doNoOpWithObject:@18];
        [[spy.argument should] equal:@18];