Using MonetDB.R
, I want to run this command but I don't want to open up mclient. Is there a generic way to do this?
create function div_noerror(l double, r double) returns double
from Hannes, the author of MonetDB.R
You can just create it in your DB. This will fail if it already exists, but you can catch that error. so
dbSendQuery(con, "create function div_noerror(l double, r double) returns double external name calc.div_noerror”) should work.
here's a slightly longer usage example:
# example of division
dbGetQuery( con , "SELECT 1 / 2 AS a" )
# example of division by zero, which causes an error
dbGetQuery( con , "SELECT 1 / 0 AS a" )
# load the `div_noerror` function through a system call
dbSendQuery( con , "CREATE FUNCTION div_noerror(l DOUBLE, r DOUBLE) RETURNS DOUBLE EXTERNAL NAME calc.div_noerror" )
# use the div_noerror function instead of the `/` operator
dbGetQuery( con , "SELECT div_noerror( 1 , 2 ) AS a" )
# division by zero now returns a missing instead of crashing the entire query
dbGetQuery( con , "SELECT div_noerror( 1 , 0 ) AS a" )