
Oracle SQL Query with joining four tables to get only one row of multiple entries

My tables are set up like this:

Table 1            Table 2                            Table 3        
+-------+-----+    +-------+-------+-------+-----+    +-------+-----+
| ID    | ... |    | ID    | T1_ID | T3_ID | ... |    | ID    | ... |
+-------+-----+    +-------+-------|-------|-----|    |-------|-----|
|  101  | ... |    |  202  |  101  |  301  | ... |    |  300  | ... |
|  102  | ... |    |  203  |  101  |  302  | ... |    |  302  | ... |
|  104  | ... |    |  204  |  101  |  302  | ... |    |  314  | ... |
+-------+-----+    |  205  |  101  |  302  | ... |    +-------+-----+
                   |  206  |  104  |  327  | ... |                   

I want to construct a subquery statement that will select only one row of table 2 for an given id of table 1 (table1.id), if table2.t3_id exists in table 3 (table3.id).

The important point is that there may exist multiple rows with same t3_id in table 2. So, the foreign key relation between table 2 and table 3 is not unique and can be also not exist at all.

My idea was the following statement:

inner join 
    SELECT * 
    FROM (
        SELECT t3_id, t1_id, id 
        FROM table2 
            SELECT id 
            FROM table3
) tb2 ON tb1.id = tb2.t1_id

But this statement returns multiple rows. - But I only need one. How I can achieve this?


  • Not tested but should do what you need

    SELECT *
    FROM table1 t1 JOIN table2 t2 
    ON ( t1.id = t2.t1_id
         AND EXISTS ( SELECT 'x'
                      FROM table3 t3
                      WHERE t2.t3_id = t3.id
         AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 'a'
                          FROM table2 t22 
                          WHERE t22.t1_id = t2.t1_id
                          AND t22.id < t2.id