I'm using TriangleList to output my primitives. Most all of the time I need to draw rectangles, triangles, circles. From time to time I need to draw very thin triangles (width=2px for example). I thought it should look like a line (almost a line) but it looks like separate points :)
Following picture shows what I'm talking about:
First picture at the left side shows how do I draw a rectangle (counter clockwise, from top right corner). And then you can see the "width" of the rectangle which I call "dx".
How to avoid this behavior? I would it looks like a straight (almost straight) line, not as points :)
This is the problem of skinny triangles in general. For example, in adaptive subdivision when you have skinny T-junctions, it happens all the time. One solution is to draw the edges (you can use GL_LINE_STRIP) with having antialiasing effect on You can have:
before drawing the lines so you get lines when your triangle is very small...