
Nested loop in birt report

I'm using Eclipse Birt to generate report from a JSON File.

My JSON file look like this :











i have 3 cells and each one contains 1 Image 1 Name 1 Type and 3 Tables , this is what i have done so far :enter image description here

what i'm struggling to do is a nested loop, i want to have for each object( Cell) in my JSON a paragraph numerated like this :

So to do this i need to itterate on each cell and then itterate on each table Output, identifier and classifier and i have no idea how can i do this, a nested loop. like a List which represent the number of cells, that contains 3 tables, one image , one name.

**Edit : ** this is the open method for the data set

// Grab the JSON file and place it in a string
fisTargetFile = new FileInputStream(new File("C:/Users/Sample Reports/moe.json"));
input = IOUtils.toString(fisTargetFile, "UTF-8");

// Store the contents in a variable
jsonData = input;

// Convert the String to a JSON object
myJSONObject = eval( '(' + jsonData + ' )' );

// Get the length of the object
len = myJSONObject.cells.length;

// Counter
count = 0;

Fetch method :

if(count < len) {
var name     = myJSONObject.cells[count].attrs.text["text"];
var type    = myJSONObject.cells[count].type;
var icon =myJSONObject.cells[count].attrs.image["xlink:href"];

icon = icon.split(",");

icon= icon[1];
imageDataBytes = icon;

row["name"]     = name;
row["type"]    = type;
row["icon"]    = Base64ToBlob.toBytes(icon);

Logger.getAnonymousLogger().info( row["icon"]);
return true;

return false;


  • You want to use nested tables, there is a good tutorial showing how to link nested tables to an outer table: please watch carefully this demo first, in particular see how the sub-table is linked to the outer table through a dataset parameter.

    Of course your case is more challenging because you need to do this with scripted datasets and multiple sub-tables. I already did something similar, you have to create one scripted dataset for each sub-table. Key-points are:

    That's it, it won't be easy but these elements should help to achieve this report.