
How to generate base62 UUIDs in node.js?

I'm looking for a solution to generate base62 UUIDs in node.js. I'd like to avoid base64 as I intend to create folders based on these UUIDs and characters like =, \, -, _ (as in some implementations) are not that human/filesystem friendly.

Base62 also has the advantage (in my context) of being shorter than a typical v4 UUID.

UPDATE (for clarity): I should have said earlier that I already tried using base62 module but this doesn't solve my issue since base62 takes numbers in javascript integer numbers are only precise up to 52 bits while UUIDs have 128.


  • Here is a comprehensive answer:

    Solution A: base-x + node-uuid

    Inspired by @Jonathan's earlier comment.

    Use node-uuid to generate the UUID and then encode it with base-x:

    var buf = new Buffer(16);
    var uuid = Uuid.v4(null, buf);
    var uuidB62 = baseX.encode(uuid);
    // -> 71jbvv7LfRKYp19gtRLtkn

    base-x is very fast so this is the most performant solution.

    Solution B: uuid-base62

    Before knowing about base-x I went ahead and created a module for the base62 encoding (b62) and another for the base62 UUID generation: uuid-base62:

    var uuidB62 = uuidBase62.v4();  // -> 2qY9COoAhfMrsH7mCyh86T

    This is the no frills solution. Currently it's not as fast as A since b62 is much slower but I intend to replace it with base-x.

    UPDATE: uuid-base62 has been updated to use base-x.