
creating the wcf service client causes a InvalidOperationException

I have 2 solutions:

In solution 1 I have a web project with wcf service references. In solution 2 I have a wpf project where I start the following wcf client:

When I create an instance of my wcf client:

using (var client = new LSKTicketServiceReference.LSKTicketServiceClient())
   // client.do()

I get this error:

"Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'LSKTicketServiceReference.ILSKTicketService'..."

But in the app.config of the facade project used by the wpf project I have this endpoint defined:

        <binding name="BasicHttpBinding_ILSKTicketService" />

      <endpoint address="http://localhost:53776/LSKTicketService.svc" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_ILSKTicketService" contract="ILSKTicketService" name="BasicHttpBinding_ILSKTicketService" />

So what is the problem here? I defined my endpoint.


  • The problem was NOT that the creation of the LSKTicketServiceClient was created in a Facade project.

    But that the Facade project was referenced by the WPF app project and here was the endpoint configuration missing in the app.config.