
What holds strong reference onto my viewController?

I am removing viewController from controller hierarchy with removeFromParentViewController, but deinit of view controller not get called. How can I check what holds strong reference on it?

Any way to see reference graph exist in memory?

This is how my swap` method looks like:

public class func swap(fromViewController: UIViewController!, toViewController: UIViewController!, containerViewController: UIViewController!) {

    toViewController.view.frame = containerViewController.view.bounds

    containerViewController.transitionFromViewController(fromViewController, toViewController: toViewController, duration: 0.2, options: UIViewAnimationOptions.TransitionCrossDissolve, animations: {}, completion: {finished in

In transitionFromViewController completion should I add / remove destination / source views?

Any way to access refCount of a viewController in Swift?

I tried to analyse code with Instruments. Figure out what hold strong reference to view controller, but couldn't figure out. Any help?

enter image description here enter image description here


  • You can use profile the code with Instruments. In Xcode, select Product > Profile. When Instruments loads, select Allocations as the template.

    This will allow you to trace which objects are setting what strong references.