
FI-LAB:Object storage authentiaction

I have community account in Lannion2 node, they have working ObjectStorage GE implementation (at least it works via cloud menu).

The problem is I cannot access the ObjectStorage API beacause of authentication procedure. It seems the authentication API for ObjectStorage changed since cloud changed IDM on May 2015.

Does anyone know how can I get a token to authorize my requests to ObjectStorage API?

The way described at FIWARE wiki doesn't work.


  • The process now is the same that you should follow in order to get a token from the Keystone. Just send a POST request to the corresponding URL:

    with your credentials in the payload

    {"auth": {"passwordCredentials": {"username": "****", "password": "****"}}}

    It should return information like the following:

      "access": {
          "token": {
              "issued_at": "2015-05-29T08:42:35.095682", 
              "expires": "2015-05-30T08:42:35Z", 
              "id": "*****", 

    The token id ( is the data that you have to use in order to send any request, putting this value in the X-Auth-Token