I'm using a tutorial I found on Google - which works well. However, I have a few issues to make it work how I would like. This code uses a MovieClip for the card faces with the back of the card on frame1 and 2-17 different pictures or movieclips.
The questions are - Is there a way to get the ActionScript to choose from the whole array? But still produce pairs to choose from. As it stands now - If I select the game to be 4 across by 2 down (8 cards in total) It has the back of card (frame1) and will then randomly select, but only from frames 2-5 . If I modify these lines...
public function MatchingGameObject10():void {
// make a list of card numbers
var cardlist:Array = new Array();
for(var i:uint=0;i<boardWidth*boardHeight/2;i++) {
public function MatchingGameObject10():void {
// make a list of card numbers
var cardlist:Array = new Array(0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13,14,14,15,15,16,16,17,17);
I get random cards - but no pairs...
If I can ask another question here - it is - how to add a seperate sound to each card..So if it shows a Bee - the Bee.mp3 is played.. Here's the whole code..
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.media.Sound;
import flash.media.SoundChannel;
public class MatchingGameObject10 extends MovieClip {
// game constants
private static const boardWidth:uint = 4;
private static const boardHeight:uint = 2;
private static const cardHorizontalSpacing:Number = 500;
private static const cardVerticalSpacing:Number = 700;
private static const boardOffsetX:Number = 50;
private static const boardOffsetY:Number = 70;
private static const pointsForMatch:int = 10;
private static const pointsForMiss:int = -1;
// variables
private var firstCard:Card10;
private var secondCard:Card10;
private var cardsLeft:uint;
private var gameScore:int;
private var gameStartTime:uint;
private var gameTime:uint;
// text fields
private var gameScoreField:TextField;
private var gameTimeField:TextField;
// timer to return cards to face-down
private var flipBackTimer:Timer;
// set up sounds
var theFirstCardSound:FirstCardSound = new FirstCardSound();
var theMissSound:MissSound = new MissSound();
var theMatchSound:MatchSound = new MatchSound();
// initialization function
public function MatchingGameObject10():void {
// make a list of card numbers
var cardlist:Array = new Array();
for(var i:uint=0;i<boardWidth*boardHeight/2;i++) {
// create all the cards, position them, and assign a randomcard face to each
cardsLeft = 0;
for (var x:uint=0; x<boardWidth; x++) {// horizontal
for (var y:uint=0; y<boardHeight; y++) {// vertical
var c:Card10 = new Card10();// copy the movie clip
c.stop();// stop on first frame
c.x = x*cardHorizontalSpacing+boardOffsetX;// set position
c.y = y*cardVerticalSpacing+boardOffsetY;
var r:uint = Math.floor(Math.random()*cardlist.length);// get a random face
c.cardface = cardlist[r];// assign face to card
cardlist.splice(r,1);// remove face from list
c.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,clickCard);// have it listen for clicks
c.buttonMode = true;
addChild(c);// show the card
// set up the score
gameScoreField = new TextField();
gameScore = 0;
// set up the clock
gameTimeField = new TextField();
gameTimeField.x = 450;
gameStartTime = getTimer();
gameTime = 0;
// player clicked on a card
public function clickCard(event:MouseEvent) {
var thisCard:Card10 = (event.target as Card10); // what card?
if (firstCard == null) { // first card in a pair
firstCard = thisCard; // note it
} else if (firstCard == thisCard) { // clicked first card again
firstCard = null;
} else if (secondCard == null) { // second card in a pair
secondCard = thisCard; // note it
// compare two cards
if (firstCard.cardface == secondCard.cardface) {
// remove a match
// reset selection
firstCard = null;
secondCard = null;
// add points
gameScore += pointsForMatch;
// check for game over
cardsLeft -= 2; // 2 less cards
if (cardsLeft == 0) {
MovieClip(root).gameScore = gameScore;
MovieClip(root).gameTime = clockTime(gameTime);
} else {
gameScore += pointsForMiss;
flipBackTimer = new Timer(2000,1);
} else { // starting to pick another pair
// select first card in next pair
firstCard = thisCard;
// return cards to face-down
public function returnCards(event:TimerEvent) {
firstCard = null;
secondCard = null;
public function showGameScore() {
gameScoreField.text = "Score: "+String(gameScore);
public function showTime(event:Event) {
gameTime = getTimer()-gameStartTime;
gameTimeField.text = "Time: "+clockTime(gameTime);
public function clockTime(ms:int) {
var seconds:int = Math.floor(ms/1000);
var minutes:int = Math.floor(seconds/60);
seconds -= minutes*60;
var timeString:String = minutes+":"+String(seconds+100).substr(1,2);
return timeString;
public function playSound(soundObject:Object) {
var channel:SoundChannel = soundObject.play();
Here's Card10 class
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
public dynamic class Card extends MovieClip {
private var flipStep:uint;
private var isFlipping:Boolean = false;
private var flipToFrame:uint;
// begin the flip, remember which frame to jump to
public function startFlip(flipToWhichFrame:uint) {
isFlipping = true;
flipStep = 10;
flipToFrame = flipToWhichFrame;
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, flip);
// take 10 steps to flip
public function flip(event:Event) {
flipStep--; // next step
if (flipStep > 5) { // first half of flip
this.scaleX = .20*(flipStep-6);
} else { // second half of flip
this.scaleX = .20*(5-flipStep);
// when it is the middle of the flip, go to new frame
if (flipStep == 5) {
// at the end of the flip, stop the animation
if (flipStep == 0) {
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, flip);
So without completely re-factoring how this game works, the best way to make it dynamic based off the amount of frames (card faces) in your Card10
Clip, is change this code:
var cardlist:Array = new Array();
for(var i:uint=0;i<boardWidth*boardHeight/2;i++) {
To the following:
var allCards:Array = new Array(); //an array of all available frame numbers
var cardlist:Array = new Array(); //an array of just those cards to show
var tmpCard:Card10 = new Card10(); //create a temporary card for the sole purpose of counting how many frames it has
var i:int;
//populate the array with all the frames from the Card MC
for (i = 0; i < tmpCard.totalFrames;i++) {
allCards.push(i);//add card frame to allCards array
//now create the list of cards to show (since the amount of cards may be more than the amount you want to show
for (i = 0; i < (boardWidth * boardHeight) / 2; i++) {
var cardIndex:int = Math.floor(Math.random() * allCards.length);// get a random card from the all card list
//add the card twice (so there is a pair) in the list of cards to show
//remove it from the all cards array so it doesn't come up again in the random bit above