
how to set content edit access and No module setting access in dotnetnuke 7.4

I'm new in dotnetnuke and i have a slider module that has two part,first for it's content control panel which must be editable by site admins and second is the module setting panel itself that must be editable only for host or administrator users,i wonder how can i grant this sort of permission for different users?


  • You would do this using the ModuleActions call on your VIEW control

    public ModuleActionCollection ModuleActions
                    var actions = new ModuleActionCollection
                                GetNextActionID(), Localization.GetString("EditModule", LocalResourceFile), "", "", "",
                                EditUrl(), false, SecurityAccessLevel.Edit, true, false
                    return actions;

    The SecurityAccessLevel.Edit there, you have

    View, Edit, Admin, Host, ViewPermissions available as options.

    Sounds like you want to use the EDIT and HOST options for what you are describing.