
Calculating grand totals from group totals in Reporting Services

I have some data grouped in a table by a certain criteria, and for each group it is computed an average —well, the real case is a bit more tricky— of the values from each of the detail rows that belong to that group. This average is shown in each group footer rows. Let's see this simple example:

Report table

What I want now is to show a grand total on the table footer. The grand total should be computed by adding each group's average (for instance, in this example the grand total should be 20 + 15 = 35). However, I can't nest aggregate functions. How can I do?


  • Reporting Services (2005, maybe 2008, too) don't support aggregates of aggregates directly.

    Use a custom report assembly, code references and named objects (Report Properties, References) that allow you to aggregate the values yourself.

    Your code could look like this:

    Public Sub New()
        m_valueTable = New DataTable(tableName:="DoubleValueList")
        'Type reference to System.Double
        Dim doubleType = Type.GetType(typeName:="System.Double")
        ' Add a single Double column to hold values
        m_valueTable.Columns.Add(columnName:="Value", type:=doubleType)
        ' Add aggregation column
        m_sumColumn = m_valueTable.Columns.Add(columnName:="Sum", type:=doubleType, expression:="Sum(Value)")
    End Sub
    Public Function Aggregate(ByVal value As Double) As Double
        ' Appends a row using a 1-element object array. 
        ' If there will be more than 1 column, more values need to be supplied respectively.
        Aggregate = value
    End Function
    Public ReadOnly Property Sum() As Double
            If 0 = m_valueTable.Rows.Count Then
                Sum = 0
                Sum = CDbl(m_valueTable.Rows(0)(m_sumColumn))
            End If
        End Get
    End Property

    Name you reference for example DoubleAggregator. Then replace the group expressions with "Code.DoubleAggregator.Aggregate(Avg(Fields!Column2.Value))" and the expression for Total with "Code.DoubleAggregator.Sum()".