
Angular duplicates track by

I have this plunk:

and when I filter by clicking "Uncompleted" I'm getting the duplicates error in repeater

 Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Use 'track by' expression to specify unique keys. Repeater: node in nodes track by, Duplicate key: 1441, Duplicate value: {"name":"1","id":1441,"created_at":...

But if you look to the code, there is only one node with ID 1441. I've tried to put there others track by options, but nothing worked.

//Update info: Track by $index doesn't work because of nested structure

How to fix it?

Thanks a lot!



  • There was an error in setFilterOptions function that there was more status with same code and then it pushed more often the node to the result array.

    fixed by

    if($scope.current_visibility.since === null) {
        $scope.filters.tasks.statuses = angular.copy($scope.active_statusses);

    Thanks for help