
SoapUi Assertions - Use a string as a json path with groovy

I am using groovy to automate some tests on SoapUI, and I wanted to also automate assertions in a way I would get a field's name and value from a *.txt file and check if the wanted field does exist with the wanted value in the SOapUI response.

Suppose I have the following json response:

   "path" : {
         "field" : "My Wanted Value"

And from my text file I would have the following two strings :

value="My Wanted Value"

I tried the following :

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def response = messageExchange.response.responseContent
def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
def json = slurper.parseText response

assert json.path==value;

But of course it doesn't work.

Any idea how can I get it done please?

Thank you


  • I think your problem is to access a json value from a path based with . notation, in your case path.field to solve this you can use the follow approach:

    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
    def path='path.field'
    def value='My Wanted Value'
    def response = '''{
       "path" : {
             "field" : "My Wanted Value"
    def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText response
    // split the path an iterate over it step by step to 
    // find your value
    path.split("\\.").each {
      json = json[it]
    assert json == value
    println json // My Wanted Value
    println value // My Wanted Value

    Additionally I'm not sure if you're also asking how to read the values from a file, if it's also a requirement you can use ConfigSlurper to do so supposing you've a file called myProps.txt with your content:

    value="My Wanted Value"

    You can access it using the follow approach:

    import groovy.util.ConfigSlurper
    def urlFile = new File('C:/temp/myProps.txt').toURI().toURL()
    def config = new ConfigSlurper().parse(urlFile);
    println config.path // path.field
    println config.value // My Wanted Value

    All together (json path + read config from file):

    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
    import groovy.util.ConfigSlurper
    def response = '''{
       "path" : {
             "field" : "My Wanted Value"
    // get the properties from the config file
    def urlFile = new File('C:/temp/myProps.txt').toURI().toURL()
    def config = new ConfigSlurper().parse(urlFile);
    def path=config.path
    def value=config.value
    def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText response
    // split the path an iterate over it step by step
    // to find your value
    path.split("\\.").each {
     json = json[it]
    assert json == value
    println json // My Wanted Value
    println value // My Wanted Value

    Hope this helps,