
Sitecore ECM: User unsubscribing newsletter receives no confirmation email

My unsubscribe-link does not work properly. The user IS moved from Opt-in into Opt-out, but receives no confirmation email. Do I have to do anything to make that happen?

Note that I have not altered anything in /sitecore/content/ECM/[MyTarget Audience]/Standard Messages/Self-Service Subscription/Unsubscribe Notification.

In my footer I link to a existing unsubscribe.aspx I have found:

<a href="/sitecore/Unsubscribe.aspx">
     <sc:Text runat="server" Field="Unsubscribe" Item="<%# this.DataSource. %>" />

In the email this is transformed into

<a href=";ec_camp=A0D5584059504B85A3E3317B306A0411&amp;ec_as=B9844EF7C873423FA9C369890E9354E8">                          

As I said the user IS being unsubscribed, but what do I have to do to make sure he/she receives an email confirmation?


  • If you've setup ECM with default settings it should just send automatically. If you have ECM sending emails then this should also be working.

    Check your spam filter or your junk. This kind of notification get's junked all the time due to the format of the email.