
Multiple apk versionCode distinction

I have an application that supports both x86 and arm-v7 platforms. I should define different android:versionCode for different platform apks. Therefore I put for example 100 and 200 in value and upload an apk to Google Play. The issue in devices that support both platforms. If a device on x86 supports arm and the android:versionCode of the arm apk greater than the same code for the x86-version apk, it downloads the arm apk, not x86. Arm libs work much more slower, at least 5 times in my app. How can i solve that issue? I want to install the x86-version only on the x86 platform devices, and analogically for the arm ones. Any suggestions?


  • x86 devices are able to handle ARM libs but there is no ARM device able to handle x86 libs.

    So you only have to keep the version code of your x86 APK higher than the one of your ARM apk, and the right APK will go to the right device.