
How to debug JavaScript in DukeScript

Is it possible to debug JavaScript when using DukeScript? I've tried adding FirebugLite

<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

It loads and that's awesome but it has no visibility of the $root model. Also I don't know if it's possible to add breakpoints.


  • Partly, one can include FirebugLite. See for example here. One problem I've found is that Firebug loads but has no visibility of the model, $root returns undefined. I've tried to work around this problem by creating a Javascript resource MyResource.js under main/resouces

    MyResource = {
        loadFirebug: function(){
          if (!document.getElementById('FirebugLite')){
              E = document['createElement' + 'NS'] && document.documentElement.namespaceURI;
              E = E ? document['createElement' + 'NS'](E, 'script') : document['createElement']('script');
              E['setAttribute']('id', 'FirebugLite');
              E['setAttribute']('src', '' + 'firebug-lite.js' + '#startOpened');
              E['setAttribute']('FirebugLite', '4');(document['getElementsByTagName']('head')[0] || document['getElementsByTagName']('body')[0]).appendChild(E);
              E = new Image;E['setAttribute']('src', '' + '#startOpened');
        someProperty: "someProperty"

    Then we create a correpsponding Java class in order to load the resource

    public class MyResource {
          args = {},  body = 
      public static native void loadFireBug();

    Now in the onPageLoad() Java method we can invoke the JavaScript method that loads FirebugLite

     * Called when the page is ready.
    public static void onPageLoad() throws Exception {
        d = new Data();
        d.setMessage("Hello World from HTML and Java!");

    Now when Firebug starts, it has at least a scope of its enclosing resource. We still can't add breakpoints because the resource doesn't appear under the files. Perhaps DukeScript experts can suggest a better way of handling this.

    Note 1: you can use load Bootstrap simply by including it into the the page with the script tag. See here

    Note 2: Unfortunately FireBug Lite seems to have some problems with Bootstrap, beyond version 1.2. See here

    Note 3: Here are a couple of ways on how to access a DukeScript model from the javascript context