I am writing a SPARQL query and cant figure out how to allow blank results for specific columns.
My current request is:
select * where {
?game a dbpedia-owl:Game ;
dbpprop:name ?name ;
dbpedia-owl:publisher ?publisher . }
Some Games have an owl for publisher while others do not. The above request filters out the Games that do not have a publisher. I want to be able to get the games with a publisher and the games without a publisher in the same CSV.
I tried to write if isset statements for the publisher owl but cannot seem to get the correct blanks.
Instead of filtering out the games without a publisher, I want the result with a blank for the publisher cell.
Any suggestions?
Whenever you are looking for something that might and might not be present, you can put that part of the statement in an optional
part of SPARQL query. Thus:
select * where {
?game a dbpedia-owl:Game ;
dbpprop:name ?name .
?game dbpedia-owl:publisher ?publisher .
The count before the optional is 112 and after is 143.