
How to draw a graph using parbola equation

I am trying to create a graph using parabola equation (y=x*x). But I am bit confused to calculate the value for control point. How should I calculate the control point value.

My JavaScript function:

function drawParabola()
        //formual y= x * x;
        y = i * i;
        x = i;
        if (i == -2) {
            ctx.moveTo((5 + x) * 30, Math.abs((-5 + y)) * 30);      
        else {
            //ctx.lineTo((5 + x) * 30, Math.abs((-5 + y)) * 30);
            context.quadraticCurveTo(**?**, **?**, (5 + x) * 30, Math.abs((-5 + y)) * 30);
        ctx.strokeStyle = 'orange';


  • The control point for a quadratic curve is the intersection point of the tangents.

      context.strokeStyle = 'orange';
      for(i=-2;i<=2;i++) {
        // Current point
        x1 = i;        
        y1 = x1 * x1;
        y1p = 2 * x1; // derivitive
        // Previous point
        x0 = i - 1;
        y0 = x0 * x0;
        y0p = 2 * x0; // derivitive
        // Find intersection of tangents
        // line0: y - y0 = y0p * (x - x0)
        // line1: y - y1 = y1p * (x - x1)
        // line0: y = y0p * x - y0p * x0 + y0
        // line1: y = y1p * x - y1p * x1 + y1
        // y0p * x - y0p * x0 + y0 = y1p * x - y1p * x1 + y1
        // y0p * x - y1p * x = y0p * x0 - y0 - y1p * x1 + y1
        // x = (y0p * x0 - y0 - y1p * x1 + y1) / (y0p - y1p)
        // Intersection point of tangents
        xi = (y0p * x0 - y0 - y1p * x1 + y1) / (y0p - y1p);
        yi = y0p * xi - y0p * x0 + y0;
        // Rescale for rendering
        cx = (5 + x1) * 30;
        cy = (5 + y1) * 30;
        cix = (5 + xi) * 30;
        ciy = (5 + yi) * 30;
        if (i == -2) {
          context.moveTo(cx, cy);
        else {
          //context.lineTo(cx, cy);
          context.quadraticCurveTo(cix, ciy, cx, cy);