
Use of "disabled" attribute has been deprecated, please use "disable"

I have been getting a warning since I upgraded angularjs the other day. It happens any time I open a ui.bootstrap modal.

Here is the warning I get in chrome-beta 44:

angular.js:11655 Use of "disabled" attribute has been deprecated, please use "disable"

Is this something that has been happening with the latest release of angular? Should I spend any more time determining what is going on? I have spent several hours this week looking at different reasons and I am just wondering if other users are experiencing this and what (if anything) they have been doing about it?

JS Includes

What have I tried?


  • In writing up this question and going back through what I have done, I discovered my issue.

    The warning was being generated by the following directive in my modals view

    <tab heading="Upload" disabled="report.RELEASE !== environment">

    Changing this to the following fixed the issue

    <tab heading="Upload" disable="report.RELEASE !== environment">

    disable (Defaults: false) : Whether tab is clickable and can be activated. Note that this was previously the disabled attribute, which is now deprecated.

    The change is documented here.