I am trying to use dozer 4.1 to map between classes. I have a source class that looks like this:
public class initRequest{
protected String id;
protected String[] details
I have a destination class that looks like this:
public class initResponse{
protected String id;
protected DetailsObject detObj;
public class DetailsObject{
protected List<String> details;
So essentially i want the string in the details array to be populated into the List in the Details object.
I have tried a mapping like this:
<mapping wildcard="true" >
<a is-accessible="true">details</a>
<b is-accessible="true">detObj.details</b>
But I get this error:
Exception in thread "main" net.sf.dozer.util.mapping.MappingException: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: detObj.details
at net.sf.dozer.util.mapping.util.MappingUtils.throwMappingException(MappingUtils.java:91)
at net.sf.dozer.util.mapping.propertydescriptor.FieldPropertyDescriptor.<init>(FieldPropertyDescriptor.java:43)
at net.sf.dozer.util.mapping.propertydescriptor.PropertyDescriptorFactory.getPropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptorFactory.java:53)
at net.sf.dozer.util.mapping.fieldmap.FieldMap.getDestPropertyDescriptor(FieldMap.java:370)
at net.sf.dozer.util.mapping.fieldmap.FieldMap.getDestFieldType(FieldMap.java:103)
at net.sf.dozer.util.mapping.util.MappingsParser.processMappings(MappingsParser.java:95)
at net.sf.dozer.util.mapping.util.CustomMappingsLoader.load(CustomMappingsLoader.java:77)
at net.sf.dozer.util.mapping.DozerBeanMapper.loadCustomMappings(DozerBeanMapper.java:149)
at net.sf.dozer.util.mapping.DozerBeanMapper.getMappingProcessor(DozerBeanMapper.java:132)
at net.sf.dozer.util.mapping.DozerBeanMapper.map(DozerBeanMapper.java:94)
How can i map this so that it works?
Problem solved...
is-accesible allows an object to be updated regardless of access modifier and presence of getters/setters (essential for objects generated using JAXB)
"dot" notation for deep mapping works to access nested objects
Combining the two is a feature that does not work in Dozer (maybe it does in a newer version)
solution... modify the xsd such that the deep mapping is not required. This is not my ideal solution but its better than writing a custom converter for every object