In TFS 2013, builds get entered like this in the global list:
(build definition)/(version)
whereas before in TFS 2010 they were like this:
This is causing a big headache for us, the only way we have found to fix this is to manually edit each build list item after each build.
I think this is by design. As a workaround you can write a script which will update this for you. E.g. in PowerShell:
$filePath = "$env:TEMP\gl.xml"
$collectionUrl = "http://<server name>:8080/tfs/<collection name>"
$vsPath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE"
& (Join-Path $vsPath -ChildPath "witadmin.exe") exportgloballist /collection:$collectionUrl /f:$filePath
$gl = [xml](Get-content $filePath)
foreach ($list in $gl.GLOBALLISTS.GLOBALLIST)
"Found " + $
foreach($item in $list.LISTITEM)
$item.value = $item.value.Substring($item.value.IndexOf("/") + 1)
& (Join-Path $vsPath -ChildPath "witadmin.exe") importgloballist /collection:$collectionUrl /f:$filePath