
Puppet: Server hostname did not match server certificate

I installed Puppet Enterprise on two virtual machines (one master and one node). When I try to run my agent manually with puppet agent -t i get the error

Server hostname '192.168....' did not match server certificate; expected one of host-192-168-.....localdomain. 

If i run this by adding --server host-192-168.....localdomain it works, but this way i can do this manually and after its own runInterval it doesn't work so on my puppet console it says it is Unresponsive. I guess this is because on its own it gets the error i mentioned earlier so my master can't receive any reports from this node.

Can someone please help me with this? How can i make so my node's agent is contacting the master with the proper server certificate name?

puppet.conf from node:


vardir = ...
logdir = ...
rundir = ...
basemodulepath = ...
user = ...
group = ...
archive_files = ...


report = ...
classfile = ...
localconfig = ...
graph = ...
pluginsync = ...
environment = ...
server =
certname =
noop = true
runinterval = 1800

If i put server = host-... (in main) nothing changes. I think I can't change the server from [agent] part, because there should be the master ip (i believe) ...

I tried what was on that link and now my puppet agent -t doesn't do anything anymore on my node. For better understandig, i'm posting my puppet.conf from master:


certname = host-192-168-10-39.localdomain
vardir = /var/opt/lib/pe-puppet
logdir = /var/log/pe-puppet
rundir = /var/run/pe-puppet
basemodulepath = /opt/alu/deploy/puppet/modules:/etc/puppetlabs/puppet....
environmentpath = /opt/alu/deploy/puppet/environments
server =
user = pe-puppet
group = pe-puppet
archive_files = true
archive_files_server =
module_groups = base+pe_only
dns_alt_names = puppet


report = true
classfile = $vardir/classes.txt
localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
graph = true
pluginsync = true
environment = production
noop = true
runinterval = 1800


node_terminus = classfier
ca_server = host-192-168-10-39.localdomain
reports = console,puppetdb
storeconfigs = true
storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb
certname = 192-168-10-39.localdomain
server =
always_cache_features = true
default_manifest = /opt/alu/deploy/puppet/manifests/default.pp

Error from puppet agent -t : http://i62.tinypic.com/34ijlmu.png


  • There are a variety of causes for this problem, Please list your puppet.conf.

    But from top, it looks like some mismatch between the name in the certificate generated by the master and the host name of the server. Perhaps between when you generated the certificate and rebooted, the hostname had been changed, as hostname changes sometimes do not take affect until after a reboot.

    puppetlabs Offical documentaion helps to resolve this issue, please follow this link: https://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/troubleshooting.html?_ga=1.110966791.343491524.1432986084#agents-are-failing-with-a-hostname-was-not-match-with-the-server-certificate-error-whats-wrong. It may be as simple as setting the certname value in /etc/puppet/conf and restarting the master.