
Why did the model Array here not update in the DOM after updating in the Controller?

I'm setting up a question related to infinite scroll and noticed that when I update the $scope.tags array I have once the tags have been scrolled all the way up, that the tags don't actually update.

In my project I use a service to grab new data, however in this example I'm just resetting the values inside of the tags array.

Why did it not update in the DOM?


<section id="tags-col" class="tag-column column">
    <ul id="tags-panel-list">
        <li ng-repeat="tag in tags">
            <div class="tag">{{tag.term}}</div>



// Tags panel Controller:
TagsPanelCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$timeout'];
function TagsPanelCtrl($scope, $timeout) {

  var tagsCol = document.getElementById("tags-col");

  $scope.tags = [
    { term: "tag1" },
    { term: "tag2" },
    { term: "tag3" },
    { term: "tag4" },
    { term: "tag5" },
    { term: "tag6" },
    { term: "tag7" },
    { term: "tag8" },
    { term: "tag9" },
    { term: "tag10"},
    { term: "tag1" },
    { term: "tag2" },
    { term: "tag3" },
    { term: "tag4" },
    { term: "tag5" },
    { term: "tag6" },
    { term: "tag7" },
    { term: "tag8" },
    { term: "tag9" },
    { term: "tag10"}

  var scrollingElement =  function(event) {
    console.log(tagsCol.scrollHeight - tagsCol.scrollTop);

    if ((tagsCol.scrollHeight - tagsCol.scrollTop) === tagsCol.offsetHeight) {
      console.log('reached bottom!');

      // Here you reach the bottom of the column,
      // and I attempt to update the tags array
      $scope.tags = [
        { term: "tag1" },
        { term: "tag2" },
        { term: "tag3" },
        { term: "tag4" },
        { term: "tag5" },
        { term: "tag6" },
        { term: "tag7" },
        { term: "tag8" },
        { term: "tag9" },
        { term: "tag10"},
        { term: "tag11"},
        { term: "tag12"},
        { term: "tag13"},
        { term: "tag14"},
        { term: "tag15"},
        { term: "tag16"},
        { term: "tag17"},
        { term: "tag18"},
        { term: "tag19"},
        { term: "tag20"},
        { term: "tag21"},
        { term: "tag22"},
        { term: "tag23"},
        { term: "tag24"},
        { term: "tag25"},
        { term: "tag26"},
        { term: "tag27"},
        { term: "tag28"},
        { term: "tag29"},
        { term: "tag30"}

  document.getElementById('tags-col').addEventListener('scroll', scrollingElement);



  • You need to call $scope.apply() after your update because your event / code is outside of the digest cycle.. here you go:

    // Code goes here
    /*global angular*/
    (function() { "use strict";
        var app = angular.module('tagsApp', [
        .controller('DashCtrl', Controller)
        Controller.$inject = ['$scope'];
        function Controller($scope) {
          /** Init DashCtrl scope */
          /** ------------------- */
    (function() { "use strict";
            .module('tagsPanelDirective', [])
            .directive('tagsPanel', directive);
        function directive () {
            var directive = {
                templateUrl: "tagsPanel.html",
                restrict: "E",
                replace: true,
                bindToController: true,
                controller: TagsPanelCtrl,
                controllerAs: 'tgspnl',
                link: link,
                scope: {}
            return directive;
            function link(scope, element, attrs) {
        // Tags panel Controller:
        TagsPanelCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$timeout'];
        function TagsPanelCtrl($scope, $timeout) {
          var tagsCol = document.getElementById("tags-col");
          $scope.tags = [
            { term: "tag1" },
            { term: "tag2" },
            { term: "tag3" },
            { term: "tag4" },
            { term: "tag5" },
            { term: "tag6" },
            { term: "tag7" },
            { term: "tag8" },
            { term: "tag9" },
            { term: "tag10"},
            { term: "tag1" },
            { term: "tag2" },
            { term: "tag3" },
            { term: "tag4" },
            { term: "tag5" },
            { term: "tag6" },
            { term: "tag7" },
            { term: "tag8" },
            { term: "tag9" },
            { term: "tag10"}
          var scrollingElement =  function(event) {
            // tagsCol.scrollTop = tagsCol.scrollHeight;
            // console.log(tagsCol.scrollTop);
            // console.log(tagsCol.scrollHeight);
            console.log(tagsCol.scrollHeight - tagsCol.scrollTop);
            // console.log(tagsCol.offsetHeight);
            if ((tagsCol.scrollHeight - tagsCol.scrollTop) === tagsCol.offsetHeight) {
              console.log('reached bottom!');
              $scope.tags = [
                { term: "tag1" },
                { term: "tag2" },
                { term: "tag3" },
                { term: "tag4" },
                { term: "tag5" },
                { term: "tag6" },
                { term: "tag7" },
                { term: "tag8" },
                { term: "tag9" },
                { term: "tag10"},
                { term: "tag11"},
                { term: "tag12"},
                { term: "tag13"},
                { term: "tag14"},
                { term: "tag15"},
                { term: "tag16"},
                { term: "tag17"},
                { term: "tag18"},
                { term: "tag19"},
                { term: "tag20"},
                { term: "tag21"},
                { term: "tag22"},
                { term: "tag23"},
                { term: "tag24"},
                { term: "tag25"},
                { term: "tag26"},
                { term: "tag27"},
                { term: "tag28"},
                { term: "tag29"},
                { term: "tag30"}
          document.getElementById('tags-col').addEventListener('scroll', scrollingElement);