
virtual-dom - how to get hold of real DOM element in order to integrate with spin.js?

When using the virtual-dom library, how can I get hold of the real DOM element corresponding to a virtual one? The use case is I need to manipulate the DOM via the spin.js library.

Correspondingly, in React you would call React.findDOMNode in order to get hold of the element to pass to spin.js.

Example code:

let el = h('#spinner')
# TODO: Pass real DOM element, not virtual, but how?
new Spinner().spin(el)


  • I found I could solve this by registering a hook on the virtual node in question, a little documented feature of virtual-dom AFAICT. The hook gets called with the real DOM node once it's rendered.

    virtual-dom is very specific about its hooks, they need to be objects with hook and unhook functions on their prototypes (can't be direct properties).

    let h = require('mercury').h
    // Hook to get hold of real DOM node
    let Hook = () => {}
    Hook.prototype.hook = (node) => {
      // Do what thou wilst with the node here
    Hook.prototype.unhook = () => {}
    // Mercury component
    let Component = () => {
    Component.render = (state) => {
      // Create virtual node with hook
      return h('div', {
        hook: new Hook(),