
How to detect backspace in a keyTypedEvent

I'm using Netbeans' bean form to create my GUI.
I've added a keyTyped event to a JTextArea and I want to detect if the typed key is a Backspace.

I'm using keyTyped event for other reasons so I cannot just use the keyPressed event.

This is the generated code (and my if check):

private void langArea1KeyTyped(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt) {   

    if(evt.getChar()== backspace) //how can I make this check?   

evt.getKeyCode() always returns 0 independent of the typed key.
evt.getKeyChar() simply deletes the last character printed when printed so I can't use System.out.print(evt.getKeyChar()) to detect its value and check for it.

How can I detect if the typed key is Backspace (or Delete)?


  • backspace and delete have the following constants:



    Constants are listed here: Class KeyEvent


    WARNING: Aside from those keys that are defined by the Java language (VK_ENTER, VK_BACK_SPACE, and VK_TAB), do not rely on the values of the VK_ constants. Sun reserves the right to change these values as needed to accomodate a wider range of keyboards in the future.

    Aside from that, I suggest you use keyPressed() or keyReleased() since keyTyped() is only used for keys that produce characters. Keys backspace and delete do not produce characters.


    getKeyChar() works well with KEY_TYPED, as mentioned here:

    The getKeyChar method always returns a valid Unicode character or CHAR_UNDEFINED. Character input is reported by KEY_TYPED events: KEY_PRESSED and KEY_RELEASED events are not necessarily associated with character input.

    Therefore, the result of the getKeyChar method is guaranteed to be meaningful only for KEY_TYPED events.

    You can take a look at these links:

    The keyTyped() event is only used for keys that produce character input.

    "Key typed" events are higher-level and generally do not depend on the platform or keyboard layout.