How do I obtain the sum of a Loopback PersistedModel?
There does not seem to be a documentation on how to achieve that.
If possible I would like to avoid having to find all the rows and sum it in Node.js.
Trying out the example from
var bookCollection = Book.getDataSource().connector.collection(Book.modelName);
I got an error
throw new Error('MongoDB connection is not established');
How do I get a handle on the collection to manually run aggregate query on a MongoDB collection?
Finally managed to get it working. Most examples left out the connect()
My working code:
Book.getDataSource().connector.connect(function(err, db) {
var collection = db.collection('Book');
var author = Book.getDataSource().ObjectID(authorId);
{ $match: { authorId: author } },
{ $group: {
_id: authorId,
total: { $sum: "$price" }
], function(err, data) {
if (err) return callback(err);
return callback(null, data);