
The difference between authority and scheme in an Android URI

What is the difference between URI authority and URI scheme in Android? I always use scheme in URI to indicate database table as follow:


I using custom search suggestion in my application, I read document about search custom suggestion in which authority used instead of scheme to reference database as follow:


What is my.authority above? What is the difference between this and scheme?


  • i always use scheme in uri to indicate database table as follow content://scheme

    scheme is not the scheme. content is the scheme, following the rules for URI values. What you have as scheme is what in an Android content:// Uri is referred to as the authority.

    what is my.authoruty above ?

    It is the authority. It needs to be in android:authorities attribute for your <provider> in your manifest, and it is used by Android to find the one true ContentProvider for any Uri.

    what is the difference between this and scheme ?

    They are the same, because you are misusing the term "scheme".