How do we implement live tile in Unity3d Windows Phone?? I want the live tile show the current high score.
I have tried this:
UnityEngine.WSA.Tile liveTile = Tile.main;
//then we update the tile with our latest high score
//the first three strings are for images (medium,wide,large)
//the last string is for text to display
//you can also pass in an XML file to describe the tile
liveTile.Update("","","", "Best round time: " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("angka", 0));
I don't work for Prime 31. I attended the Unity 5 Roadshow and found out Prime 31 is giving away their Windows Phone and Store plug-ins for free (not sure for how long, they have a deal with Microsoft).
They do have support for titles in their Metro Essentials Plugin
Here is the code that is included in the demo...
if( GUILayout.Button( "Update Application Live Tile (standard)" ) )
// first, create the tile data
var tileData = new StandardTileData();
tileData.backContent = "I'm on the back";
tileData.backTitle = "BACK TITLE";
tileData.title = "Live Tile Title";
tileData.count = 12;
// now update the tile
Tiles.updateApplicationTile( tileData );
if( GUILayout.Button( "Create Live Tile (Flip)" ) )
// first, create the tile data
var tileData = new FlipTileData();
tileData.backContent = "Back of the Tile";
tileData.backBackgroundImage = "";
tileData.backTitle = "Back Title Here";
tileData.backgroundImage = "";
tileData.smallBackgroundImage = "Assets/Tiles/FlipCycleTileSmall.png";
tileData.title = "Flip Tile Title";
tileData.wideBackBackgroundImage = "";
tileData.wideBackContent = "Wide Back Content";
tileData.wideBackgroundImage = "Assets/Tiles/FlipCycleTileLarge.png";
tileData.count = 3;
// now update the tile
Tiles.createOrUpdateSecondaryLiveTile( "flippy-tile", tileData );
if( GUILayout.Button( "Create Live Tile (Iconic)" ) )
// first, create the tile data
var tileData = new IconicTileData();
tileData.iconImage = "";
tileData.backgroundColor = Prime31.WinPhoneEssentials.Color.colorFromARGB( 255, 40, 255, 40 );
tileData.smallIconImage = "";
tileData.wideContent1 = "Wide content 1";
tileData.wideContent2 = "Wide content 2";
tileData.wideContent3 = "Wide content 3";
tileData.title = "Live Tile Title";
tileData.count = 3;
// now update the tile
Tiles.createOrUpdateSecondaryLiveTile( "my-tile", tileData );