
Is there a way to combine named scopes into a new named scope?

I have

class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
  named_scope :a, lambda { |a| :conditions => { :a => a } }
  named_scope :b, lambda { |b| :conditions => { :b => b } }

I'd like

class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
  named_scope :ab, lambda { |a,b| :conditions => { :a => a, :b => b } }

but I'd prefer to do it in a DRY fashion. I can get the same effect by using


but it's not particularly lovely.


  • Well I'm still new to rails and I'm not sure exactly what you're going for here, but if you're just going for code reuse why not use a regular class method?

            def self.ab(a, b)

    You could make that more flexible by taking *args instead of a and b, and then possibly make one or the other optional. If you're stuck on named_scope, can't you extend it to do much the same thing?

    Let me know if I'm totally off base with what you're wanting to do.